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  1. home
  2. Environment/Green Space
  3. Gangbuk Recyclable Wastes Screening and Process Facility
  4. Detail Instructions of how to Put out Recyclable Wastes

Detail Instructions of how to Put out Recyclable Wastes

Household Waste Collection Schedule

Household Waste Collection Schedule
Company Name Telephone Collection Area
Cheongwon Environment 900-3294 Mia-dong, Suyu-1 dong, Suyu-2 dong, Suyu-3 dong, Uidong, Insu-dong
Baikwoo Corporation 991-2816 Samyang-dong, Songjung-dong, Songchun-dong, Samgaksan-dong, Beon-1 dong, Beon-2 dong, Beon-3 dong

Discharge Date and Time for Food Waste

Discharge Date and Time for Food Waste
Area Discharge date and time
Mia-dong, Suyu-1 dong, Suyu-2 dong, Suyu-3 dong, Uidong, Insu-dong After sunset to midnight the day before the collection date
Samyang-dong, Songjung-dong, Songchun-dong, Samgaksan-dong, Beon-1 dong, Beon-2 dong, Beon-3 dong After sunset to 10PM the day before the collection date

Collection Date and Time for Recycle Products

Collection Date and Time for Recycle Products
Corresponding Cities Discharge date Collection date
Mia-dong(East Dobong-ro, Shinil-Middle/High School, 1~13), Samyang-dong, Songchun-dong, Beon-1 dong(East Hanchun-ro, Soosong Elementary School, 1~6), Suyu-1 dong, Suyu-3 dong(West Nohae-ro, Suyu Chungang-market, 17~29), Uidong Mon/Thu Tue/Fri
Mia-dong(West Dobong-ro, Wooribank, 14~27), Songjung-dong, Samgaksan-dong, Beon-1 dong(West Hanchun-ro, Gangbuk Police Station, 17~27), Beon-2 dong, Beon-3 dong, Suyu-2 dong, Suyu-3 dong(East Nohae-ro, Suyu-3 dong community center, 1~16), Insu-dong Sun/Wed Mon/Thu

* Discharge hours: Between 18:00~24:00 the day before the collection

Method of Discharge for Each Recycle Products

Method of Discharge for Each Recycle Products
Classification Discharge method Items that cannot be recycled
Paper Newspaper, milk pack, others (combine the papers together for discharge) When having debris such as paper tape coated with vinyl and spring, etc.
  • Scrap metal: remove rubber, plastic, etc, before discharge
  • Cans: remove debris, puncture the explosive cans before discharge
Products synthesized with rubbers and plastic, containers having oil or hazardous substances
Bottles Remove the bottle cap and debris before discharge. Glass bottles among cosmetics Milky white bottle, silverware, ceramics, etc, among cosmetic bottles
Plastic Remove the cap before discharge Telephone, buttons, ashtrays, dishes, etc which does not melt well under heat. Wires, PVC products, vinyl bag, disposables such as snacks and noodle bags, disposable cup noodles having debris or coated with other materials.
Vinyl Discharge in a clear vinyl bag Discharge black vinyl bags in household waste
PET Discharge after removing the bottle cap and contents with water Products with many debris or attached with other materials
Shoes, Clothes Discharge in a clear vinyl bag Must be able to be reused, especially shoes have to be in pair. For those that cannot be reused, put in special standard bag(sack) and discharge.
Small electronics Discharge in front of your home (For apartments, discharge into the collection container)
  • Target items: Refrigerator, TV, washing machine, air conditioning except for stand-up type, computer, laptop, gaming, audio sets, fans, vacuum cleaners, telephones, cell phones, wall-mounted air conditioning and outdoor all small appliances
  • ※ For refrigerator, TV, washing machine and stand-type air conditioning, discharge after reporting to the community center for 'large size waste.'


Items that cannot be recycled Ceramics(bowls, flower pots, etc), rubber hose, various straps, rubber gloves, records, sponge, rubber barrel, wires, construction waste(brick, wood, etc), hazardous materials or materials that does not burn. Put in special standard bag(sack) and discharge.
Vinyls with debris, disposable noodle container, container, vinyl coated papers(business cards, flyers, etc) Discharge with household waste
Others Bedding, blankets, bags, curtain Put in old clothing collection box or special standard bag(sack) and discharge.
Cooking oil waste Discharge to [dedicated collection bins] at nearby apartment complex
※ Purchasing special standard bags(sacks) and large waste reporting: community center